Monday, December 3, 2007


The 14 day experiment with Paleo has finally come to an end. Hooray! Now, let's take a closer look at what really went on.

Week 1: Pretty painless however, I was eating like a horse and not keeping to zone portions.

Week 2: Got back into the zone (10 blocks per day) and I began having some serious cravings for fat! By day ten just the smell of peanut butter was making me weak. I was and still am, really jonesing for some cheese!

Day 12: I failed miserably! I threw a birthday bash for a few friends and before the night was over I had consumed copious amounts of wine, tequila and yes....chocolate cake!

Day 13: Feeling really hungover, I somehow managed to eat Paleo all day and even stayed zone but that nite was the Crossfit Holiday party at Luka's and I fell prey to peer pressure. I had 2 glasses of wine followed by super sized tequila shots! Uggh.

Day 14: Barley holding on by a thread, I sucked it up for one last day.

I was pleasantly surprised with the numbers on the scale today:
Body fat percentage = 19.1% (all time low for me) Weight = 111.6
Over the two week trial I lost a total of 1.4 pounds and 0.4% body fat.
Not bad, even with all the tequila.

Quick, somebody get me some cheese!!!

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Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston