Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Semi-Annual Assesment

Eeek! As we make our way into the second half of 2008, I wanna take a moment for some thoughtful reflection.
This year's fitness goals:
To focus more on strength training. Earlier this year, I set some reasonably attainable goals for myself (see below). The plan was to supplement CF with some Rippetoe style lifts every 3rd/4th day however, my work trips and busy schedule have been limiting factors in this effort thus far. This became very apparent at the CrossFit Games when I had to scale down 2 of the 4 workouts, exposing a part of my training regimen that needs extra attention. Next year I hope to complete all of the wods as Rx'd and within the time limit.
Listed below are goals and current standing.
Power Lifts
Back Squat
: 1 X 171 pounds(1.5xBW)
Deadlift: 1 X 199 pounds(1.75xBW)
Bench Press: 1 x 114 pounds(BW)
Shoulder Press: 1 X 85 pounds(.75xBW)

Oly Lifts
Power Clean
: 1 X 114 pounds(BW)
Power Snatch: 1 X 85.5 pounds(.75xBW)

Yesterday's Meals
3oz Pastrami
1 Avocado, sliced
Spinach Salad w/ Tomatoes & Alfalfa sprouts

3oz Pastrami
1 cup sliced Cherry Tomatoes w/ Hummus
6 Almonds

2% Fage yogurt w/ Almond meal and Flaxseed meal
6 Walnuts

2oz Tuna
½ Apple
1 cup Pumpkin w/ cinnamon

1 comment:

MBL100 said...

Wow, big bench! Muy Macha!

Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston