Monday, October 29, 2007

Thank Goodness for Mondays....

It’s a funny how every Friday just as my work day comes to an end, so does my diet.
This can be attributed to various things; poor planning, bad decisions, bad influences, being under the influences, etc., etc. Whatever the case may be, it is a sure bet that from the moment I get off work on Friday I am already thinking of where I can catch my next cheat meal!
Monday mornings mark the end of my unhealthy eating binge and get back into the Zone. Thank God for Mondays! Its a vicious cycle, I know.

7:45 am:
3 ounces of Tuna w/ mayo
2 slices of Lifestyle Bread
=3 blocks

Greek Yogurt
1/2 cup unsweetened Applesuce
6 Almonds
sprinkle of Cinnimon
=2 Blocks

1 PowerBar Builder Bar
=3 Blocks

Cashew chicken salad
a few hefty bits of chocalate, peanutbutter pie (couldn't resist...mmm)
=3 Blocks(+fat, carb)

No workout today :(

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Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston