Saturday, October 18, 2008

3 Days On!

I just finished the final day of my 3 day workout cycle and boy am I pooped!

4 Rounds of:
10 Power Snatches
15 Pull-ups
20 Thrusters

AM workout
6 rounds+9 push-ups
w/ 20lb weight vest

PM workout
worked up to a set of 5 at 160

Angela's Snatch Clinic
Lots of good healthy practice.

"Filthy 50"

I felt really good to get back into the gym after being sick for bit. I think it actually may have helped my recovery. Well, I am off to have a humongous cheat meal! I'll be taking a rest day tomorrow as I will be in Milpitas for the BGDC show down. Lets wish our fellow CFOers well!

1 comment:

Mike Minium said...

Nice training cycle, 'Cita!

Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston