Monday, October 13, 2008

Not just the Monday blues

Ugh, I hate to admit it, but I have definately caught the nasty bug that's going around. My week of clean eating and lots of sleep couldn't ward off this one. I felt it coming on all last week and this Saturday I woke up to a stuffy nose, sore throat and lots of sneezing (I sound like a Nyquil commericial). It took it easy this weekend, just planted myself on the couch and cuddled to a book all day on Saturday. Then at 4:45pm I thought it would be a good idea to get my body moving a bit...

800m Run
21 Shoulder Press #65
800m Run
21 Push-press #65
800 Run
21 Push Jerks #65

Time 20:59

The run was awful as a result of the congestion but my shoulder press felt pretty strong. Surprisingly I finished 2 minutes faster than the previous time I did this.

Sunday I took the day off from CF and spent the day in Ukiah with my family. We celebrated my nephew's 9th birthday! He's in pictured above blowing out his candles, unfortunetly you can't see his face because he's currently growing his hair out. Its THE new look, in case you didn't know. I was feeling good after resisting the Pete's coffee and so I treated myself to a piece of birthday cake. It was yummy...I even chased it with some protein to curb the effect of the sugar. It was so nice to spend some time with my family, I wish we could have stayed longer. We spent the rest of the day rummaging in my dad's garden, gathering up the last bit of Summer's gifts. I'll be posting some recipes soon...


sierra said...

can you elaborate on "curbing the effect of the sugar"? I should know this stuff by now!

steven T said...

ya, someones spreading some stuff at the gym. No workout for me since I'm coughing my lungs out.

Ev said...

When I first saw the photo, I thought the down and pouty kid, next to your brother was you as a little kid. I read the caption and I thought it was sicky Connie. It's very cute, nonetheless. I miss gardening and having friends w/ gardens. It's such an awesome process to grow stuff and then get to eat the little babies you've been nurturing for months and months. Awesome. Produce is just so much better when it's home-grown.

Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston