Monday, February 11, 2008

“Health and sickness are largely externalizations of our dominant mental and a spiritual state…A normal healthy mind reflects itself in the body, and conversely, an abnormal mental state expresses its corresponding condition in some physical condition.”
The Science of Mind-Ernest Holmes

Holmes’ words on the Mind/Body connection really resonate with me right now. With the passing of my grandmother last week, my depleted spiritual and emotional state lead to some physical ramifications. My body felt the effects almost immediately, leaving me exhausted and causing me to sleep 10, 11 even 12 hours/night. Fatigue, coupled with flu-like symptoms has really crippled any effort to “get buff”.
Last week, I took a few days off from x-fitting and simply focused on resting and listening to my body. As you can see, I couldn’t even muster up the energy to do any blogging.
On a brighter note, I woke up today feeling somewhat normal again. This is good considering I agreed to workout with Audra later this evening.



Sorry about your grandmother and glad to see you blogging again. I did that chipper yesterday too and clocked myself w the wall ball. Such grace!

Anonymous said...

I recently started going to a church that incorporates the philsophy of Ernest Holmes. It is very motivating for those trying to achieve personal growth. Good luck in your quest.

Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston