Thursday, November 15, 2007


At approximately 5 this morning, I was awaken by an unusually painful cramp deep inside my belly. It felt as though someone had taken a sharp kitchen knife to my abdomen. I couldn't figure out what on earth could make me feel soo terrible. Was it something I had eaten at the Cheesecake Factory? Perhaps it was the martini I had before dinner? Nope, couldn't have been the martini. Strange, I didn't feel nauseous, just complete and utter pain.

Now normally I would've just sucked it up and let it pass, but the pain persisted becoming increasingly uncomfortable by the minute to the extent at which it was almost unbearable to breath. I quickly ate 2 painkillers chasing them down with a few walnuts and a chocolate bar (it was the only food within reach) and prayed. When I finally felt somewhat OK, I went to work. I felt alright when I got there and even agreed to pick up Nation's burgers for the construction crew at lunch. However, when 12 o'clock rolled around I was hunched over in a shady corner with my head between my knees. The pain was back and stronger than ever. I figured I would just sneak outta there at lunch. Unfortunately for me, the guys didn't forget about our lunch date. Auggie honked at me from atop his backhoe waving cash in the air and motioning me to get over to Nation's for the burger pick up, ugh! I don't know how I made it there and back in one piece and avoided barfing from the smell of the greasy bag I had to carry back to the crew who were awaiting me when I finally got back. I quickly delivered the food and was on my way outta there when Auggie yelled to me, "hey, aren't you gonna eat with us?"

There is a lesson to be learned from all of this; don't ever go to the Cheesecake Factory! No really though, this whole mess could have been easily avoided had I just stuck to my Paleolithic diet. Cave people don't eat cheesecake!

1 comment:

MBL100 said...

Cave Connie, I hope yer OK!!

Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston