Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hormonal binge

Lately, I've been playing around with my zone prescription. Awhile back I started feeling a bit Zoned out and picked up Natural Hormonal Enhancement by Rob Faigin. I've been doing the NHE eating thing on the fly as I've been reading his book. However, I advise that you never start a new diet without reading all the fine print first, particularly if it varies drastically from your current feeding ritual. While I haven't sabotaged my diet entirely, I've managed to gain 3.5 pounds. Oops. My bad.

Yesterday I finished the book and I am excited to start the diet! The right way. For more information on the NHE diet visit Faigin's website: www.hormonalfitness.com

Today's Meals:
Shredded Chicken w/ cheese
Salad w/ tomatoes, guacamole, onions & salsa
Coffee w/ Cream

Tuna Salad
A handful of Walnuts & Cashews
Black Tea

3oz Shredded Chicken
1 Granny Smith Apple
Peanut Butter

No workout Today.


Kurt T. Fuller said...

Connie -

Overall, how did the Metabolic Diet turn out? I know you have been traveling, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts.


Connie Moreno said...

Well, it hasn't even been a full week (following the diet correctly), so its too early to really notice any significant changes...I'll keep you posted.

Unknown said...

Finally got a Blogger identity. How did Hero Mash-Up go today?

Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston