Monday, April 28, 2008

Going Green!

Fellow Crossfitter, Max and my sister Maria got into a bit of a heated debate at this saturday's CFO birthday bash. What about? Fat. Yep, fat.
Like most Americans, she too has fallen for the out-dated and unfounded theory that dietary fat is what makes people fat and kills them. The argument is overly-simplistic and just plain false.

This all started of course when Max and I were discussing our fascination with Dr. Di Pasquale's Metabolic diet, which we have both committed to trying out. It is essentially a high fat/protein diet that limits your carb intake to 30g of active carbs/day Monday through Friday followed by two days of high carb intake. Basically, at the end of the week I will be meeting all my fat/protein/carb zone block requirements with a little variation. If all goes as well, this will promote a positive hormonal response that will help pave the way for some major fitness gains!

Here's how it's broken down:

Monday-Friday: High Fat/Protein Intake. Carbs not to exceed 30g/day and will consist primarily of leafy greens and vegetables.
The plentiful supply of fat causes a metabolic shift from primarily burning carbs to primarily burning fats. Insulin levels remains low (which increases GH release). Increased dietary fat is also linked to increased testosterone levels

Saturday - Sunday: High carb, medium fat (30..40%), low protein (10..15%).
This causes an insulin spike. While this can increase fat deposits, it moves more nutrients into your muscles, and has an anabolic effect. The important thing is to switch back to the high fat / low carb mode before you put on too much fat.
(Taken from Impulseadventures website).

Today's workout: Thrusters 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
70/80/90/95/95/100(failed)/100(failed, but got later that day:)

3 Eggs scrambled w/ red onions and Kale
1oz Raw goat cheese
3 Almonds
Lg. Coffee w/ cream

3oz Turkey breast
Lg. Salad w/ Spinach, Arugula and sprouts
2 Tbs. Blue Cheese dressing
Lg. Coffee w/ cream

1 comment:

MBL100 said...

I'm going to have to finish my present cycle, where I am trying to get lean like you,

Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston