Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Week 1 off Splenda!

I am really digging Art Devany's Evolutionary Fitness blog. He offers some unique and thoughtful insight on health, fitness and diet.

Last month De Vany’s wrote on a study published by Susan E. Swithers and Terry L. Davidson of Purdue University called A Role for Sweet Taste: Calorie Predictive Relations in Energy Regulation by Rats. Their research suggests that the human body is "thrown off" by the sweet taste of artificial sweeteners, releasing insulin in the same manner it would respond to sugar...Eeek!

Although they taste delightful, artificial sweeteners may not be as sweet and innocent as they appear. The zero calorie substance contains zero calories, making them a hot item among those seeking the sweetness of sugar without the caloric impact. Unfortunately, this is tough to swallow for those of us who are calorie-conscious but have major weakness for sweets.

1 comment:

Laurent said...


Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston