Monday, April 14, 2008

Lesson Learned.

Okay, so I am officially a firm believer in the R word....u know, REST. I mean I know there's been a lot of buzz about it in the fitness community, but I didn't quite get it until now. And this coming from a serious CF junkie!

In the last few days, I've made some notable strength gains across the board, hitting PR's in my Bench, Shoulder Press and weighted pull-up. I also crushed my time in a DU/C+J workout the day after I got back! Crazy huh?
Well, not really, I guess all that talk about the importance of rest did merit some attention after all. In all seriousness, my recent success has been a pleasant and utter surprise. I expected to have a slow and ugly re-entry into the gym, but after having spent 2 weeks away from CFO, I feel stronger and rejuvenated. I think my body finally got the recovery it deserved, it's just too bad I had to be shipped off to the desert for that to happen. Not only does this experience bring to light the need for rest, but it also teaches me that you don't always have to be in a "fancy" gym to get fit. Don't get me wrong, I would do "Linda" over "Barbara" any day, but developing body weight workouts that include difficult variations of exercises (pistols and L pull-ups) will make you lean and mean just as well.

Workout Today: None

2 Eggs w/ Spinach, mushrooms
Fruit Salad (melons)
Coffee w/ Cream
=2 Blocks

Spinach Salad w/ Chicken
1 Tbs. Pumpkin Seeds
=2 Blocks

3oz Turkey
1.5 cups Strawberries
.5 cup Grapes
1 Tbs. Peanut Butter
=3 Blocks

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Your genes load the gun but your lifestyle pulls the trigger. -Dr. Houston